Since 1990, I've been on a natural mission to learn about what we've been putting on our bodies. Wow! some real shocking facts that took time to digest and accept. More on that later for anyone interested.
"Experts" say we don't absorb much through the various layers of the skin. Can someone please then explain why the latest way to deliver drugs is transdermally using skin patches? That really made me stop and think. And act.
I personally believe that up until recently we have been content letting society take care of us. That no longer seems to be serving us, so we are opting for a more hands-on proactive approach. We live in a very exciting era of transformation. I think it's going to be more and more fun.
Welcome to my blog spot !
Good day and welcome to my Blog. My mother would call it my in Belief System. I'm a blog newbie so please feel free to give me feedback. If you have a related blog, I'd love to hear from you.